Here we follow Wakefield Road from Garforth Bridge up towards Town End at the top of Main Street where it then becomes Aberford Road. Wakefield Road bounds the West side of Garforth and as another old and original road includes some old properties as well as some of the larger Victorian terraces to be found in the town.
Over in the fields towards Leeds also lies Barrowby Hall. This lands forms the barrier of countryside between Garforth and Leeds and is what keeps Garforth separate from the general sprawl and suburbs. It will be a real shame if this area is ever filled in with housing such that Garforth then merges into Austhorpe and Cross Gates.
The larger house on the right is The Beeches and the row of terraced houses beyond is Dar Villas Cottages
Dar Villas is incorrectly spelt ‘DARYILLAS’ on the postcard
The card is written ‘My hotel is in the middle’ revealing one of the buildings to be a hotel at the time (four houses are shown). The picture is taken from a similar position to the the Milton NN04 card but before the two large houses were built. The fields to the right are where Queensway now stands and Barleyhill Road can be seen beyond.
The same houses as above from the other side of the road
These houses are the ones between where the petrol station used to be and Cyprus Road.
The entrance to Cyprus Road is in the right of the frame. The closest two houses (the one adjacent to Cyprus Road is named Stoneleigh) used to be used as lodgings for the dairymaids at Manor Farm [3].
Just below De Grey House. The leftmost house is called North View and the property next door is Moorfield House Surgery. Moorfield House has been a surgery since at least the early 1900s so given the age of the properties it may always have been used for this purpose.
This image at the top of Wakefield Road near Town End shows De Grey house in the centre left of the frame, which was demolished in 2018 to make way for the new flats.